Connecting markets worldwide.

NORBO Partners offers a streamlined suite of services for the global commodities market, encompassing expert trading and brokerage, precise market analysis, and targeted consulting.

Whether you're navigating the complexities of commodity trading or seeking strategic advice, NORBO Partners is your dedicated ally, committed to your success in the international marketplace.


Commodities Brokerage




Market Analysis

Our Services

Our Commodities

At NORBO Partners, we take pride in our diverse and dynamic commodities portfolio, meticulously curated to meet the broad needs of our global clientele. Our portfolio spans across several key sectors, offering a broad range of commodities that are essential to global markets and industries.

Our vision

Our vision at NORBO Partners is to lead the international commodities trading and brokerage industry with a forward-thinking approach, prioritizing efficiency and streamlining operations.

Data-driven approach

Speed and efficiency


International thinking

Leveraging cutting-edge technology and streamlined processes, we ensure swift and efficient work, minimizing downtime and maximizing opportunities in the fast-paced commodities market. At NORBO Partners, we belive that speed is key.

Our strategies are underpinned by sophisticated stochastic models, which allow us to analyze vast datasets for predictive insights, ensuring our decisions are informed, precise, and ahead of market trends.

At the heart of our operations are tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. By listening closely and adapting our strategies, we forge partnerships that drive mutual success.

Our global perspective is informed by an in-depth understanding of business norms across different regions, incorporating FX hedging strategies, and navigating legal and administrative challenges to operate seamlessly worldwide.

Global reach

NORBO Partners has a vast global reach, spanning developing markets, the Middle East, Latin America, the post-Soviet sphere, and Asia, emphasizing our role in connecting diverse markets.

Our expertise in these dynamic regions allows us to bridge emerging and established markets, offering our clients unparalleled access. We navigate unique challenges and opportunities, ensuring seamless trade and investment across these critical areas, underlining our commitment to fostering economic growth and expanding horizons.

NORBO Partners s.r.o.